Wrapping Up

Sometimes when a marriage seems to be in trouble, both parties will ignore the sign in the hope that things will eventually work themselves out and everything will be ok in the end. However in most cases this is never the ideal outcome and things just escalate further until it becomes so unbearable that the only solution would be divorce. Therefore in the interest of trying to save a marriage, all efforts should be exercised to keep the idea of divorce from creeping into the situation.

The following are some of the more obvious signs that could indicate that a marriage is in trouble and what action should be taken to avoid disastrous consequences:

One of the first signs of trouble in “paradise” is when one party can no longer see the good in the other person. Anything and everything said or done by the other party is almost always looked upon with disdain, disappointment or even worse anger.

This is a sure sign that things are not right and is help is not sought immediately; a once loving relationship could eventually turn violent and abusive. These negative feelings will eventually kill any lingering positive elements within the relationship, to the extent that there is really no possibility in accepting the other party back and making a fresh start.

Fighting constantly is also another sure sign that something is wrong.

When this happens, both parties will learn to go their own separate ways while still existing within the relationship. This of course is also very unhealthy as both parties will eventually develop such animosity towards each other, that they will eventually only exist bodily within the relationship, without any mental or physical contact. This will then no longer be a relationship at all.