Chapter 4: Develop A Positive Attitude About Getting Help


Part  of  the  growing  process  within  a  marriage  relationship  is  to understand and accept the need for positive intervention when things are not going according to plan. Being able to seek such help is pivotal in keeping the marriage of the road to recovery rather than disaster.

The Attitude

The most difficult effort to make would be to not resort to seeking justice  for  the  wronged  feelings  and  experiences.  The  individual would have to be strong enough and to want the relationship badly enough,  to  get  to  the  stage  where  there  is  a  positive  attitude  in place to help salvage the marriage by getting help.

Bitterness  will  not  help  in  any  way,  especially  if  the  individual  is interested in keeping a good grasp on the relationship. Despite the hurt  and  negativity,  both  parties  should  ideally  try  to  seek  help from professional outside forces that will help to move both parties forward and in a mode where damage control can be initiated.

Trusting  that  the  help  sought,  will  give  both  parties  the opportunity to seek some form of resolve that will help to keep the marriage on the track to mending itself is very important.

In most cases the trust issue within relationship is the first thing that  becomes  a  matter  of  contention  for  both  parties,  therefore making  the  effort  to  develop  a  positive  attitude  to  building  back the trust is an important step in the right direction.

Forgiveness is another element that needs to be addressed in the process  of  cultivating  a  positive  attitude.  The  positive  impact  of being ready to forgive can and usually does wonders for the failing relationship.

A  lot  of  people  have  attested  to  the  success  of  salvaging  the marriage  when  the  positive  element  of  forgiveness  is  widely  and consciously practiced.

Chapter 5: Realize The Only Person You Can Change Is You