Once the goals for the marriage has been firmly outlined and accepted, there would be some follow up steps that should be taken to ensure the goals set are achieved without eventually contributing to the downfall of the relationship.
What’s In The Way
Making a list of the elements that could be possible contributing factors in not getting the goals achieved would be a wise and preemptive action to initiate. This will give both parties the leeway to be open and frank about their reservations and fears. It will also allow both parties to see each other weakness and strengths and work toward exploring the strengths and limiting the hold that the weaknesses may present.
There are several things that would constitute actions that get in the way of achieving the end goals for the marriage. Some of these may prove to be unfounded and quite easily managed and eradicated, while others may present more of a challenge to the couple. The ones that would be identifies as a challenge should be addressed without reservations to ensure these challenges don’t test the patience of both parties and also to ensure it does not in any way negatively affect the marriage.
Sometimes there is a need to prioritize the items on the list of marriage goals. Failing to do this could create the confusion and stress that could lead to the goals becoming a nightmare rather than a healthy focus for the couple. Being prepared and aware of the necessity to change priorities would also be another thing to consider and work on, as more often than not situations arise unexpectedly that can cause the goals set to become defunct. Part of the list should be how to handle or address such possibilities.